Higuayagua Regalia

Like most native people, Higuayagua Taino people have a dress code which we use in Ceremony, Areito (social gatherings) etc.

Our regalia is still evolving – so please visit this page for updates.

As our ancestors walked around practically naked, dressing Traditional Taino would be very challenging indeed in the modern age! However, during the 1980’s we developed a dress based on the ENAWA the ancient loin cloth.

Rule #1

The most important aspect of our dress code is SYMMETRY! When we dance together, we must all look like a collective and not a hodgepodge of differing individuals. Although we do leave room for individuality, for the most part we dress the same.

Our Nagua/Nawa:

Higuayagua Nagua can be either long or short:

Past the knees. Usually warn by married women or women who choose long over short for personal reasons.

The short Nawa are used by both men and women. Usually younger women prefer the short Nagua.

The Nagua must have the Higuayagua logo @ its center. This shows commitment to our collective.

The sides of the front Nagua must have a border made of the so-called “Greek Key Pattern”. This pattern is actually not Greek at all, but is used by many Native people across the western Hemisphere and around the world. The symbol is indeed a medicine symbol (more on that later).

Rule #2

When we dance in public as a collective, we dance with shorts, or other item AGREED UPON BEFORE HAND by the group. When dancing as individuals the Higuayagua member may dance as he or she see fit and with whatever they feel comfortable with.

When dancing in a group, if the group feels they want to have pants underneath, then the entire group must have pants on, etc. The most important rule of all is RULE 1! Symmetry.


We use 3 different styles of headdress. However, the restrictions with headdress are that they be only used for either ceremony or for dancing. In addition, the headdress used for dance should not be used for ceremony, and vice versa. Headdress may also denote status. A lot of the headdress protocol deal with internal rules and beliefs and will not be spoken of here.

Rule #3

Headdress also follow the symmetry rule!

Are leg and arm bands- More on this later


This is an individual prerogative. But for those who need suggestions, we use necklaces made of seed, shell, stone, clay or wood.

Maraca: All Abiniki (dancers) will have a MARACA (gourd rattle)